Actor Nikhil Khurana, known for his role in Made In Heaven 2 is set to debut in the film "Sanna" with Radhika Madan under the direction of National Award Winner Sudhanshu Saria. He says that he wants to take up diverse characters and wants to showcase a variety of emotions on screen, through his roles.
“Honestly, I'm searching for projects where I can show all the different emotions of a character. For example, I'd love to be in a complete film, taking on lead roles where I can express the character's uniqueness, quirks, love, anger, and all the feelings in their emotional journey. If I can portray all nine emotions of a character in a story, I believe that character is truly well-rounded. So, I want to try out various roles, from romantic to action films. I know it might sound typical for an actor to say that, but I genuinely want to explore all kinds of characters. And every time I take on a role, I want to do it with all my heart. It's really exciting that our film will be shown at IFI, the Indian Panorama, a prestigious film festival in India,” he says.
Speaking about his collaboration with co-star Radhika Madan, he expressed, "Working with Radhika was a fantastic experience. She's incredibly professional and well-informed. In the realm of actors, there are generally two types – those obsessed with themselves and those obsessed with their craft. Personally, I align with the latter. If I have to be obsessive or narcissistic, I'd rather channel that energy into my work than self-absorption. My focus has always been on being recognized for my work rather than seeking fame. Collaborating with Radhika was wonderful. She's a devoted professional, remarkably kind, and down-to-earth. I'm confident that when the film is released, our chemistry will be well-received by the audience."
He adds, “Being part of a film showcased there feels amazing. I feel blessed and happy to be pursuing my dream. I'm doing what I came here to get into the movie business and slowly and steadily have reached somewhere. And I hope it gives me the chance to penetrate the movie business as a permanent member of the film industry. And I can be in this industry for as long as I live and make movies and influence people, inspire people in the right way, educate, entertain and do all of that. So this is just a stepping stone. So I'm very happy and I hope it gives me the opportunity to be a part of the film industry forever.”
The actor was last seen in the web series Made in Heaven 2. Talking about the same, he says, “In Made In Heaven 2, I played a gay character, which was quite different from my role as Sana. So, when I was doing this role, some criticized me, thinking it was a wrong career move or that I was desperate. Despite this, I believe as an actor, I shouldn't judge the characters I play. My aim is to portray them honestly, regardless of their choices. When I told some industry folks about the role, many judged me, thinking it might harm my career,” he says.
He adds, “Despite these opinions, I went ahead with it, staying true to my commitment. Although it was challenging for me, being straight, to act in another guy, I did it to be honest with my work. I felt nervous, but after going through with it, I realised how passionate I am about acting. People who appreciate diverse perspectives praised my performance, but there were also judgmental individuals. This experience made me empathize with the LGBTQ community, realizing the challenges they face. It helped me understand their struggle and broaden my perspective. Despite the criticism, I am proud of my work and will always be honest in my roles. If a character allows me to express something meaningful, I will take it on. The judgment I faced was annoying, but I focused on doing justice to the role. In the end, I believe being true to my work is something to be proud of. I don't care about judgmental people; I did it for myself and my passion.”